My Calling: A testimony from Lt. Antonio Hodges


I’m from Portsmouth, Virginia. My mom migrated from Antigua, West Indies. After a failed marriage, my siblings and I were raised by a single mom who did all she could. She worked a full-time job as well as being a full-time student. I got to the Army through one of our babysitters who introduced our family to The Salvation Army. I was two, my sister was three and a half and my brother was nine. Our first officers were the Penhales. My mom did all she could, we pretty much were taken in by the Penhales. I saw The Salvation Army serving at a very early age and that changed the trajectory of our lives.

I always wanted to know that I could in the same way give back to the community and others the way that the Army did for me. So I’ve felt from an early age that I was called. I felt like God wanted me to give back. I’ve always wanted to serve, to help.

Read the full story at


Flourishing in Faith: Embracing Your Calling through Love, Service, and Discipleship this Lent


Discerning God's Call: What It Truly Means to Hear Your Calling