Discerning God's Call: What It Truly Means to Hear Your Calling

As a person of faith, you may have heard "God's call" or "divine purpose" before. But what does it mean to discern God's call, and how can you know if you are truly walking in your calling?

We embraced the new beginnings of 2024, fresh from the transformative experience of our "Stepping into Your Calling" 21-day prayer challenge. Now it’s time to delve deeper into a pivotal aspect of our spiritual journey: discerning and hearing God’s call. This exploration is crucial for anyone standing at life’s many crossroads. This article will explore discerning God's call and provide practical tips for understanding and following your divine purpose.

What is God's Call?

Understanding Your Divine Purpose

God's call refers to God's unique purpose and plan for each individual's life. It is the specific path God has designed for you to walk to fulfill His will and bring glory to His name.

This call is not limited to those in ministry or service-based careers but applies to all believers. Each person's unique call may involve different talents, passions, and experiences. However, the ultimate goal is to use your gifts and abilities to serve God and others.

A calling from God transcends mere career choice or personal ambition. It’s an echo in the soul, a resonant sense of purpose that aligns with divine intention. For many, distinguishing this calling from secret desires poses a significant challenge.

A true calling often comes with peace, clarity, and alignment with God’s broader narrative for the world. It’s about serving a purpose greater than oneself, which not only fulfills personal aspirations but also contributes to the welfare of others.

Walking in Your Calling

Embrace Your Gifts and Talents

The intersection of personal passions and God’s plan is where many find their true calling, a phenomenon beautifully exemplified in the life of Eric Liddle, an Olympic runner and missionary. Liddle's journey illustrates how our callings often blend diverse talents and passions. For him, it was not just about missionary work; his athletic prowess also played a crucial role in his life’s purpose.

Your calling emerges as a significant impression from God, a stirring within your soul guided by the Holy Spirit. It's more than just a desire; it's a conviction about your role in life at a specific moment, feeding your passion and igniting a deep-seated excitement every time you think about it.

Many aspire to find that “sweet spot,” where your abilities and interests dovetail with God’s purposes and meet the world’s needs. It's about embracing activities that bring personal joy and align with God’s principles of service and compassion.

In Liddle’s case, while he was deeply committed to his calling as a missionary, he also recognized his gift of speed. When faced with the decision to serve as a missionary in China or compete in the Paris Olympics, he understood that his athletic talent was part of his divine calling. He famously said, “God made me fast, and when I run, I feel God’s pleasure,” acknowledging that at that point in his life, God had called him to run competitively.

Within the Salvation Army, especially in the Southern Territory and globally, there are numerous impactful initiatives where officers and members interconnect their unique passions with their local appointments to impact their communities significantly. Examples of such programs include various health initiatives, community development projects, and holiday-themed campaigns like Angel Tree programs. These efforts serve the immediate needs of communities and align with those involved's passions and callings, demonstrating the profound intersection of individual gifts with God's broader purpose​​.

However, this understanding of our calling goes hand in hand with our ability to listen or discern God’s voice.

The Art of Listening to God

Discernment is seeking God's will and direction for your life. It involves listening to God's voice, understanding His Word, and seeking wise counsel from others.

Discernment is crucial in understanding and following God's call because it allows us to distinguish between our desires and God's plan. It also helps us to align our actions and decisions with God's will rather than our own

God is always ready to communicate, desiring us not to overlook the gifts He has bestowed upon us for the betterment of His people. In pursuing our dreams, our passion should be the driving force, strong enough to overcome any adversity. Let this passion grow and thrive, for it is in this fervency that we actively seek to understand our unique gifts and calling. He cherishes the individuality of each of His children and thus responds to each of us in a way that resonates with our journey and disposition.

Jesus’s teachings on asking, seeking, and knocking are more than just instructions; they invite a continual, active pursuit of God’s will. This pursuit is not a passive waiting but an active engagement in seeking God’s direction. In this diligent searching, this personal journey of discovery, we often find the most profound insights into our calling. This process isn’t just beneficial; it’s essential for our spiritual growth and alignment with God’s plans.

In this light, discerning our calling becomes a dynamic interaction with the Divine, an ongoing conversation that shapes our understanding of where our deepest passions meet God’s purposes. It’s a journey marked by personal revelations, heartfelt prayers, and an unwavering focus on the unique path God has laid out for each of us.

Overcoming Challenges in Discernment

Discerning and hearing God’s call isn’t without its challenges. Doubts, fears, and external pressures can cloud our judgment and make us question our path. Overcoming these challenges requires steadfast faith and an understanding that God’s plan often unfolds in unexpected ways.

In our pursuit, we must engage in self-reflection and seek wisdom from others, not merely for human insight but to discern God's voice through their counsel. Finding encouraging yet truthful mentors who possess wisdom born of experience and faith is crucial.

These individuals are the ones who have navigated their spiritual journeys, learned from their mistakes, and maintained a perspective rooted in faith and forgiveness. Such mentors, who embrace the evolving movements of God’s Spirit, can offer profound insights that align with eternal truths. We should cherish and maintain these relationships as they can guide us toward our calling.

This is one of the reasons we have created platforms like this blog – to connect and serve as a bridge in your pursuit of your calling. Feel free to communicate with us if you need prayer or want to know more about our school for officership. We are here to support you in discerning and embracing the path God has laid out for you.

How to Discern God's Call

Pray for Guidance

The first step in discerning God's call is to pray for guidance. Ask God to reveal His will for your life and to give you the wisdom and discernment to understand it.

Prayer is a powerful tool for seeking God's direction and can help you tune out distractions and focus on His voice. Make it a habit to pray daily, seeking God's guidance and listening for His response.

Study God's Word

God's Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105). By studying and meditating on the Bible, we can better understand God's character and His will for our lives.

Remember any verses or passages that stand out as you read the Bible. These may be God's way of speaking to you and revealing His call for your life.

Seek Wise Counsel

Look to seasoned members within your local Salvation Army for insights based on their faith journeys. Proverbs 11:14 says, "Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety." Seeking wise counsel from trusted mentors, pastors, or friends can provide valuable insight and guidance in discerning God's call.

Be open to feedback and advice from others, but remember to weigh it against what you feel God is speaking to you. Ultimately, God's call for your life is between you and Him, but seeking counsel can help to confirm and clarify His direction.

  • Participate in Corps Services and Salvation Army Programs: Explore how different service forms resonate with you.

  • Contemplate Your Tribe: Identify people who share similar giftings and callings. Engaging with them can be pivotal in understanding your gifts and purpose.

Listen to Your Heart

God often speaks to us through our hearts and desires. If you have a strong passion or desire for something, it could be a sign of God's call for your life.

Pay attention to the things that bring you joy and fulfillment, and consider how they align with God's Word and His will for your life. If you feel a strong pull towards a specific career, ministry, or mission, it could be God's way of revealing His call for you.

  • Ask Yourself Important Questions: Explore what you are naturally good at and what energizes you. Analyze your interests, strengths, and the activities that make you lose track of time. This introspection can reveal your gifts and passions.

  • Identify What Draws You and Who You Are Drawn To: Consider what interests and excites you, and observe the types of people you connect with. These preferences can point toward your calling.

Trust in God's Timing

Discerning God's call is not always a quick or easy process. It takes time, patience, and trust in God's timing. Remember that God's plans are perfect, and He knows what is best for you.

If you are unsure or uncertain about your calling, seek God's guidance and trust that He will reveal His plan for you in His perfect timing.

Be Open to Change

God's call for your life may not always align with your plans or expectations. It's essential to be open to change and willing to follow God's lead, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.

Remember that God's ways are higher than our ways and thoughts (Isaiah 55:9), and He may have a different path in mind than you had initially planned. Trust in His plan and be open to the unexpected.

Walk in Faith

Discerning and following God's call requires faith. It may not always be easy or comfortable but trust that God is with you every step of the way.

As you walk in faith, remember that God's call is not just about what you do but also about who you are becoming. Allow God to shape and mold you into the person He has called you to be, and trust that He will use you for His glory.


As we navigate 2024, let's commit wholeheartedly to discerning and responding to God's call. This exploration, profoundly personal yet shared within our community, aligns us with the heart of the Salvation Army. It's a journey not only of self-discovery but of profound service. Let each step we take - in service, prayer, or mentorship - be a step closer to realizing our divine purpose.

Let's invest in our gifts and talents, nurturing them with passion and dedication. Remember, even the most minor acts of obedience can lead to significant growth and impact. As we serve with genuine motives, our lives become enriched, our passions ignited, and our effectiveness multiplied. Let's move forward with confidence and faith, knowing that we are fulfilling our potential and contributing significantly to God's kingdom by embracing our calling.


My Calling: A testimony from Lt. Antonio Hodges


Embrace Your Divine Purpose in 2024: Love, Service, and Discipleship