Confirming One’s Calling and Election: The Unleavened Bread of Our Lives

As we step into the season of Pentecost, leaving behind the reflective period of Lent, our spiritual journey doesn't pause; it deepens. Our Lenten Bible plan, "The Measure of His Surrender," aimed to prepare our hearts for the moment of Christ's resurrection, symbolizing the ultimate victory over sin and death. Pentecost beckons us to celebrate the Holy Spirit’s descent upon the apostles after the resurrection. It is a moment of confirmation—a divine seal upon our spiritual calling. Today, let's explore a profound symbol from Holy Week—the unleavened bread—and unravel how it relates to our calling and election in Christ.


The Unleavened Bread: A Symbol of Purity and Election

In the Jewish tradition, unleavened bread, or matzah, is a critical element of Passover, symbolizing purity and a swift departure from Egypt. This emblem of simplicity and sanctity resonates deeply with our Christian journey, mainly as we reflect on Christ's purity and life of obedience.

The unleavened bread, a staple of Passover, symbolizes purity and swift departure from bondage. It reflects our own call to leave behind the 'leaven' of sin and embrace a life set apart. This obedience and sanctity, mirrored in Christ's teachings and life, guide us toward a lifestyle of holiness, aligning with God's will and confirming our calling and election.

Jesus, our Bread of Life, lived an exemplary life untainted by sin—a life we are called to emulate. He declared in John 6:35, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." This assertion invites us to draw sustenance from Him, embody His purity in our daily lives, and confirm our calling and election through a lifestyle of sanctity and obedience.


Our Journey Toward Holiness

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

2 Peter 1:3-4

As 2 Peter 1:3-4 reminds us, we are equipped with divine power for a godly life, an invitation to participate in the divine nature. This equipping empowers us to live distinctively, setting ourselves apart from the world's corruption, much like the unleavened bread is set apart from leavened varieties.

Living as unleavened bread in today's world means making daily decisions that align with God's will, embodying the virtues of the Spirit, and actively participating in our sanctification process. It's a conscious choice to reject the 'yeast' of moral compromise and to embrace a life of integrity and purpose.

Embodying the essence of unleavened bread means daily choices that reflect our commitment to God's path. In the mundane and the monumental, we exercise our calling, choosing a path of purity, integrity, and alignment with divine will, setting ourselves apart in a world often at odds with these values.


Victorious Living and Our Calling

Our victory in Christ is not just a theological concept; it's a lived reality that influences our choices, actions, and, ultimately, our calling. As we follow in Jesus' footsteps, our lives become testimonies of His transformative power, echoing His obedience and surrender.

In the context of the Salvation Army, this calling takes on a tangible form. Officers and soldiers are not just fulfilling roles; they are living out their divine election, serving as beacons of hope and agents of change in a world in dire need of the Gospel's light.

Christ's obedience, culminating in His sacrifice and victory over death, sets the ultimate example for us. As we strive to live victoriously, we're called to echo His faithfulness, surrender, and obedience, allowing these virtues to shape our lives and influence our actions.


The Practice of Unleavened Living

Living as unleavened bread means continually examining our lives, shedding any influence hindering our walk with Christ. It involves:

  • Embracing daily disciplines of prayer and Scripture study to remain rooted in Christ's teachings and cultivate intimacy with our Heavenly Father.

  • Cultivating a lifestyle of service and generosity, reflecting Christ's selflessness.

  • Engaging in community and fellowship, building one another up in faith and love.

  • Witnessing the world with humility and sincerity, just as Christ did.


Our Calling in the Salvation Army: Service and Sacrifice

Within the Salvation Army, our calling takes a tangible form—service, sacrifice, and a commitment to living out the Gospel. This calling is not just about roles or duties but a heartfelt response to God's call, a desire to serve and make a difference, reflecting Christ's light in every action and interaction.


Conclusion: Embracing Our Calling in Christ

As we move forward into Pentecost, let's recommit to our calling and election. Let's live as unleavened bread—pure, humble, and devoted to God's purposes. In this new season, let's renew our dedication to embodying the virtues of Christ, confirming our calling and election through a lifestyle of holy surrender and joyful obedience.

In this season of renewal and rebirth, we all find new strength to pursue our divine calling, serving as witnesses of Christ's victory and love in every aspect of our lives. Let's step forward in faith, embracing the journey ahead, confident in the knowledge that we are equipped, called, and chosen for this time.


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